Beer is made from four basic ingredients: barley (or other grains), water, hops and yeast. The basic idea is the extraction of sugar from grains to the yeasts transformed into alcohol and CO2, creating beer. Brewer uses a basic scientific procedure and expresses creativity by changing the combination of grains, hops and yeast, resulting in a variety of styles.
Fermentation is a process of "sugars" by using a yeast transformed to the alcohol, carbon dioxide and heat. In making most traditional beer sugars are obtained mainly from barley malt, although they can be used and other sources of grains and other plant sugars.
Fermentation is a process of "sugars" by using a yeast transformed to the alcohol, carbon dioxide and heat. In making most traditional beer sugars are obtained mainly from barley malt, although they can be used and other sources of grains and other plant sugars.
Whether it is packed in cans or bottles, Beer always easily moves through a maze of pipelines in the area of packaging. We pack our beers in bottles and barrels.